Well, the National Threshers Reunion for 1957 is history. It was
different in that it rained constantly the first two days. The
first that has happened in 13 years. Saturday was a big day and I
enjoyed getting acquainted with many of the wives of steam fans.
I shall not be able to take in the Fall Reunions because of
school. Mt. Pleasant is the very first week of school and that is
an impractible time to be out. Elmer says he is going to take me to
Mt. Pleasant on our trip so that I will see the place and meet some
of the people. Many I do know.
At Gilmar Johnson’s I had the pleasure of steering Hardy
Linblad’s 60 Case around, also Gilmar’s 9 hp. Case. It was
fun. We also met a number of wives of the Steam Fans at the
Johnsons, and found them all very friendly and interesting.