****** Hi Ladies! We’re back home again safe and sound after
another pleasant experience of a Montpelier Reunion.
** ** ** Our trip was made doubly enjoyable this time because we
were able to share it with our secretary, Anna Mae and her
daughter, Dana. You know when four females get together and they
don’t have a good time, there is something very wrong!
** ** ** We said Elmer had more help along this time for his
work than ever before, but got less. We, all four, left him all at
one time so often that Anna Mae said she was afraid she would get a
pink slip and I’d lose my happy home! But, good old fellow that
he is, Elmer has lived long enough to know that when women get
together- what one doesn’t see and think to do the other will,
and we are unpredictable, so he tolerated us once more.
** ** ** We did enjoy our engine rides with Mr. Sherman and Mr.
Hoffer. I bet the latter was happy when his wife came to his rescue
and invited us to ride on the women’s TNT Float. We sure had a
good laugh about it, although our feelings were deeply hurt since
he never missed us – at least he didn’t come to see where we
** ** ** We were sorry we had to let the ladies down on Saturday
Afternoon’s Parade, but duty finally caught up with us in
regard to Elmer and work. We hope you’ll understand, ladies, I
have to live with the man the other 51 weeks of the year and
didn’t like to make him too unhappy. Hope to do better next
** ** ** The Women’s Meeting featuring ‘Christmas in
June’ was most interesting. There were many items which could
be made in the home for all ages, such as toys, decorations and
** ** ** We were sorry we arrived too late on Thursday for the
‘Get Acquainted Tea’. I have always enjoyed the previous
ones and would have liked Anna Mae to have experienced it too.
** ** ** Our next reunion will be the Early American at Red
Lion, Pennsylvania, on July 14, 15 and 16. This will follow the
week of our work of putting the magazine together.
** ** ** We’re looking forward to visiting a group down at
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, this summer at the home of Charles
Idol. Marsha, our daughter, and their girl, Verda Jane, are very
close to the same age so plans have been flying back and forth
between them for our gathering.
** ** ** Next issue will give you more details of our doings
there, along with our other summer activities at Williams Grove and
** ** ** Hope you all have a pleasant summer.