I am sorry I wasn’t able to go along to Wauseon, Ohio, with
Elmer. As usual he came back with an excellent report of their
activities and enjoyment. I am happy for this.
I would like also to add my appreciation to my Hubby’s to
the many visitors we have had to our Korn Krib.
Perhaps I will be seeing a few of you at some of the Reunions
We had a nice surprise yesterday when Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Brown
of Harrisburg and Mr. and Mrs. George Weimer f r o m Plainfield, N.
J. dropped by a short while. Ruth Gorman of Harrishurg accompanied
the Browns and Weimers. These folks added to our fourth of July
We were pleased to have the George Greens of Lambertville. N.J.
stop one morning which started the day right.
Our girl Marsha, was home from School for four days, which is
always a joy to us.
This intense heat sure doesn’t add to most people’s
enthusiasm for business these days.
Ernst Hoffers and son, Dennis, are exceptions to this above
statement. They were down this way and stayed with us over night.
Saturday. They were on their way to visit different Rail Road
centers in this area. It was a real pleasure for us even though it
was a short stay.
Elmer is as busy as ever with two Magazines, plus his being
called to supply pulpits which were not filled at conference, or
folks who are on vacation.
I hope you all have a nice summer.