We had the pleasure of attending the Banquet of the Eastern
Shore Group. We were with the Elmer Scheaffers and to tell the
truth I don’t know where it was. Somewhere near Denton,
Maryland, and in the very midst of Southern Hospitality. About 104
attended and critical as I am I could not find anything wrong with
it. We were invited for Sunday Dinner by the Jimmy Layton family
was a King who had it so nice.
We missed the Williams Grove Banquet because of my niece getting
married. When we miss a dinner you may know something very pressing
has interferred. When you get to my age there are so many things
that upset your plans. I am warning you.
In your business letters to us please see to it that somewhere
in the letter there is some mention of the magazine you are
interested in. We get a few letters in which we don’t know
whether you are talking about Steam or Gas. Sometimes it is
There is an interesting story I found in the May, 1969 issue of
the Down East Magazine concerning the Kennebec Central Railroad.
The Road was five miles long, two foot gauge line, running from
Randolph to Togas, Maine. The road operated for thirty nine years
and always in the black. At Togas was a soldiers Home, occasionally
and inmate who had run out of funds, while off on a toot, would
walk the tracks back home giving the engineer an anxious moment,
until he had whistled the jay walker off the ties.
One night the engine’s headlight picked out a figure
marching along Military fashion, head up, shoulders back, with no
sign of surrendering the right of way, the engineer applied the
brakes and gave sand, but not in time. The tiny cowcatcher caught
the man in the rear and sent him flying into the darkness. As soon
as the train slid to a stop, the crew ran back up the trakcs,
expecting the worst. But the old soldier was on his feet and
shaking his fist, ‘If I hurt your damned little train, I’ll
pay for it.’ ‘Otherwise, get it the Hell out of here.
About four years ago we were visiting a cousin in North Dakota,
and she said we should go and see Mr. Sandstrum at Lone Tree, North
Dakota by all means. The result was we did and we met one of the
most interesting men it has been my pleasure to ever get acquainted
with. He is a man with unusual ability. A man who takes time to
visit with you when you go to see him. His home is a beauty spot
because of his handiwork. He is a collector of antique articles. He
makes much in concrete. He has concrete stumps in his yard and then
landscapes around them. He made Paul Bunyan and the Blue Ox of
concrete which makes his lawn distinctive. He has an 1888 Thresher,
and many other things that are interesting. I could sit for hours
and tell you about them, and you might know a man like that would
pick a most charming and versatile wife.
If you are touring in the vicinity of Minot, North Dakota, go to
see these good people and in the meantime get his book, ‘A Full
Life’ listed somewhere in this magazine.
‘Young Men can work eight hours a day and play ten, but
after 40 you can’t and you might as well quit trying.’