RT 5, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514.
The first color cover of Iron-Men Album, on our July-August 1977
issue, drew quite a bit of reader praise and we appreciate it.
We cannot have a color cover on every issue, at present
subscription rates, since cost is much greater than for our usual
covers in black with one color added. But we plan to do this at
Here are some comments that came in:
‘Your colored cover looks very fine. I like the Iron-Men
Album very much. I think I have all the Albums but one.’ –
Arnold Lubbens, Fremont, Michigan 49412
‘The color picture on the Iron-Men Album is certainly very
nice hope you have some more.’ Wellington Vosburg, New York
‘Thought the new magazine cover was excellent! In fact, the
whole issue was extremely interesting and informative.’ – John
C. Matthai, Box 56, Easton, Maryland 21601.
‘I am ordering a print of the picture on the front of the
July-August issue of Iron-Men Album. It’s a beautiful picture
of past farm years, brings back a lot of childhood memories where
neighbors cooperated together to help each other to harvest their
crops. A nice picture to frame and enjoy, knowing that in a minute
way, you were a part of that team of workers. Perhaps a little boy
or girl that carried drinking water to the men remembers. Hope your
next issue will have another beautiful American farm scene.’
-Irene and Robert Reed, 352 Eagle Street, Woodstock, Virginia
‘I think you chose the best picture there issue is a dandy
one. I like pictures like that one, so get some more like it.’
– Otto Korman, 910-18th Street, Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241.
‘I like the new cover on the magazine, also the plastic
cover that protects it when shipping. I think it is getting better
every year keep up the good work!’ – G. H. Walkinshaw, 1249
Butler Avenue, Lincoln, Nebraska 68521.
‘I would like to take the opportunity to compliment you on
the new cover and colored picture on the front of July-August 1977
issue of the Iron-Men Album. It made me think of the Iron-Men Album
issue back in the 1950s, except they didn’t have a colored
picture on the front. I have been a subscriber to the Iron-Men
Album since 1957 and have kept all of my issues, which I refer to
at different times. Keep up the good work I always look forward to
each coming issue.’ – Lloyd Burns, Box 16, Central Lake,
Michigan 49622.
‘Received my July-August issue today and was so surprised to
see a colored cover very nice and makes a very beautiful
publication. I hope it will continue, also plastic cover it came in
is good protection as some sure get roughed up in mailing. I have
your cover picture hanging above my desk for many years as I got
one from Case when they first sold them.’ – Vincent Johnson,
Walker, Minnesota.
‘I wanted you to know that your Iron-Men Album is really
nice this time with that colored picture on the front and we are
going to send and get it. Keep up the colored pictures. We enjoyed
every Album we got and we still have all of them from away back.
Thank you again, because we know it takes a lot of work to put this
book together.’ – Steam Engine Fans – Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Adams, R. R. 1, RB156, Andrews, Indiana 46702.
Dear Mr. Lestz,
Reference, the first color cover on IMA………
You asked for comments;;;;……
on………and on………
May GOD bring health and happiness to all.