180 Kible Street, Bluffton, Ohio 45817.
The first annual Steam, Gas Engine and Tractor Show of the
Northwest Ohio Antique Machinery Association, Inc., held Friday,
Saturday, Sunday, August 4, 5, 6, 1972 in Bluffton, Ohio, attracted
over 5,000 people for the colorful event.
Antique machinery buffs came from Michigan, Indiana and Ohio for
The show grounds, which flank Interstate -75 drew many motorists
who were intrigued by the huffing and puffing of antique steam
engines, threshing, log sawing and wide variety of exhibits
crowding the parade grounds. Many camper trailers were present for
the three day activity.
‘The show far exceeded my expectations’, said president
Robert Flick of Bluffton, Ohio. The show made a profit of several
thousand dollars, which will be used to expand the 1973 show to be
held on the first weekend in August each year.
Activities included shingle mill operation, rides for all ages
in an authentic Conestoga wagon, garden tractor pulling contest
under supervision of the Northern Ohio Tractor Pullers Association,
old-time threshing’ with steam engines and ancient tractors
taking turns hooking up to the belt, parade of all antique
machinery daily, log sawing, food tent operated by the parish
members of St. Marys Catholic Church, dozens of flea market
exhibits and antiques, wide range of antique gasoline engines. Dave
Morgan and his Alcove Band entertained and were enthusiastically
Especially interesting were the huge steam engines and tractors
and ancient gas engines in action. Model engines of all kinds were
operating miniature saw mills, light plants, and separators and
other miniature exhibits. Many exhibits were housed in tents.
E. F. ‘Gene’ Schmidt, vice president of the association,
displayed a Wallis Bear tractor of the year 1912the only tractor of
this model in existence today. Schmidt is an avid antique machinery
enthusiast and is collecting the entire line of Wallis Bear
machinery. He already has nearly a half dozen models.
Berdell Huber, secretary, says the Northwestern Ohio Antique
Machinery Association has over 300 members and is rapidly
Bluffton, Ohio is located in Allen County and is a central
position from major antique machinery shows in the 3 state area
Portland, Indiana; Rushville, Indiana; Elwood, Indiana; Fort Wayne,
Indiana; London, Ohio; Wauseon, Ohio: Cadiz, Ohio; Mansfield,
Officers of the Northwest Ohio Antique Machinery Association are
Robert Flick, President; E. F. Schmidt, Vice President; Berdell
Huber, Secretary all of Bluffton, Ohio; Richard Moyer, Mt. Cory,
Treasurer; Ralph Horstman, Delphos, Ohio, Trustee; Howard Crozier,
Ada, Ohio, Trustee; Merly Higbee, Rawson, Ohio, Trustee.