311 Westuiew Avenue, Bristol, Pa. 19007
I thought I would send this little story in as a sequel to the
story ‘Steam Doings on Swift Run,’ which was published in
the July-August issue of Iron Men Album for 1977. Shortly after
those photos were taken the ford which led across Swift Run was
replaced by a ‘highway improvement’ consisting of a large
result, in September 1976, following a heavy rain which began on a
Friday night and continued through the night, Swift Run decided to
become deep run. I arrived at Sam Osbourne’s Friday night and
spent the night, and by daylight Saturday morning it was apparent
that a flood was imminent. Mr. Osbourne left about 8:00 A.M., and
about 8:30 I decided to go to New Oxford, about two miles away, to
buy some camera film and get some pictures.
By the time I returned it was becoming dangerous to cross the
culvert due to water over the road and floating debris. However, I
made it back into his place, but I was the last one to do so, as
the road was soon closed by high water, both in front of and behind
me, by 9:00. The water continued to rise rapidly until about 10:00,
then began to fall. By the time Mr. Osbourne returned about 11:30,
the water had gone down enough that I risked the road and made it
to the far side, thus being the last one in and the first one
He and I and some neighbors waited a few minutes on the far
side, and then he carefully made his way back to his house. Of
course, his house was untouched as it is located on high ground,
but some slight damage was done by floating logs, barrels, and
other debris to a couple engines parked along the creek. However,
his well-equipped old time blacksmith shop was another story. With
about 3-4 feet of water inside, many tools, much of his equipment
and many relics were a mess. Luckily, thanks to some fast cleaning,
the loss was small, and soon the peaceful area was peaceful