57, Stanley Street, Rothwell, Kettering, Northamptonshire,
By the time this appears in print, steaming somewhere down the
Eastern side of the U.S.A. will be one of the most famous of the
old Steam Express Passenger Locomotives of the British Isle,
‘London North Eastern Railway’ number 4472 ‘Flying
Gresley, and was built in 1922. She was first steamed for regular
work with L.N.E.R. in January of 1923. The engine was first listed
by L.N.E.R. as a ‘Pacific’ Class A1, later it was listed as
an A10, and still later modified with a higher boiler pressure to
become a Pacific Class A3. The works number is 1564, and it was
built at the Doncaster works. The original L .N .E.R. number for it
was 1472N; later it was given its most famous number, L.N.E.R.
4472, and at the same time given the world famous name, ‘Flying
Scotsman.’ In 1946 it was re-numbered 502, then 103. When the
railways were Nationalized, British Railways first numbered it, BR
E103, and later 60103.
In 1963, British Railways (now renamed, British Rail) were well
on the way to scrapping all steam stock in favour of diesel, diesel
electric, and whatever else may follow. In that year, ‘Flying
Scotsman’ was made redundant and was due to go into the scrap
yards and under the cutting up torch. This proved to be more than a
gentleman named Alan Pegler could take as he had loved the sight
and sounds of this particular locomotive for all of his life. After
frantic negotiations with British Railways, he was allowed to
purchase, ‘Flying Scotsman,’ virtually during the last days
of its existence, and he paid 3,000 pounds for it. He also had
written into the bill of sale contract, a clause which would allow
him to use the locomotive for ‘enthusiasts specials’ in all
regions of British Railways. Today, it is the only Steam locomotive
to be found running on the British Rail lines and the contract
allows it to continue using the rails until the end of 1971. After
then, it remains to be seen what will happen, because British Rail
are refusing all other applications which would allow other
preserved main line steam locomotives to go out on the rails.
When Alan Pegler purchased ‘Flying Scotsman,’ he
straight away had it restored to its original L.N.E.R. livery, a
splendid ‘Apple Green’ colour, and bearing the famous
number, L.N.E.R. 4472.
Today, wherever ‘Flying Scotsman’ travels on its many
week-end journeys with enthusiasts specials, thousands upon
thousands of people gather all along the route to see once again
the thrilling sight of a main line steam locomotive pulling an
express passenger train. And what a wonderful experience it is. I
have seen it many times, but I shall never forget a wet and windy
March morning in 1968.
‘Flying Scotsman’ was using the former L.M.S. lines
(London, Midland and Scottish), leaving St. Pancras Station London,
and traveling to the North of England with a train load of
enthusiasts. Our local newspaper had published the story that the
locomotive would pass through Kettering in Northamptonshire at 9:31
am. Now myself, and as it turned out, many other people, recalled
that a good vantage point to watch the trains go by, was ‘The
Blue Bridge,’ a road bridge over the line built of Blue Bricks,
situated out in the country on a minor road leading from Kettering
to the village of Rushton; the distance being two miles from
Kettering and the same from Rushton. Well the wind blew and it
rained and was quite cold, a thoroughly miserable morning, not
brightened at all by the stinking diesels passing by. At 9:30 am
the bridge was crowded with people and this little country road was
lined with Cars (Automobiles), and all eyes were looking down the
two mile stretch of line to Kettering. The line curves before it
enters Kettering Station. At 9:32 the rain stopped, but the wind
was blowing strongly across the fields. Now you must remember that
none of us had set eyes on a steamer on the main lines for over 6
years and the dozens of children had never even seen one. AND THEN
IT HAPPENED!! Out of sight from us around that bend was ‘Flying
Scotsman,’ but we all knew it was coming because a thick cloud
of smoke was traveling at speed across the skyline. Around the bend
it came thundering up the stretch of line towards us and that
horrid cold and wet morning became a glorious memory which nobody
on the Blue Bridge will ever forget. As the locomotive drew nearer
we could see its shining Green, polished to mirror brightness, and
leaning out of the cab was none other than Alan Pegler himself. He
caught sight of the crowds of people and waved a rag or
handkerchief? And as 4472 was about to go under the bridge, it blew
us a big blast on the whistle.
Flying Scotsman is usually kept in sheds at Doncaster in
Yorkshire, England. When (Sir) Nigel Gresley designed the Pacific
type locomotives, he used 3 cylinders with a conjugated valve-gear,
the Walschaert radial gear on both also working the valves of the
inside cylinder through levers.
The Pacific wheel arrangement is, 4-6-2. Driving wheels 6 ft. 8
in. Cylinders (3) 19 in. x 26 in. Piston valves diameter 8 in.
(Piston valves operated by Walschaerts valve gear: motion for
middle valve conjugated from that of outside valves.) Length: 70
ft. 5 in. (without second tender, the second tender has been added
to carry water alone, after watering points had been demolished on
British Rail). Weight. Engine only: 96 tons. With one tender: 154
tons 3 cwt. With extra tender over 210 tons. Purpose: Express
Passenger. Boiler pressure 220 lb. per sq. in. Tractive Effort –
32,910 lb. (superheated).
Page 5 of your ‘May/June’ issue shows three photographs
sent in by A.R. Shade of Ohio. I have no idea when they were taken,
but it looks as though a railway is under construction. Bucyrus,
the name on the digger in the top picture is familiar, as many of
the modern electric diggers (draglines) or whatever you call them
in U.S.A. used for mining iron ore in the Midlands areas of
England, carry this name. Up to the 1940’s, I can recall seeing
similar steam diggers to the ones pictured, at work in local
ironstone mines. Our locomotives used in the ironstone mines for
hauling out the loads of ore, were different to the American of
course, and it is only recently that many of them have been taken
out of service and replaced by diesels. That in itself (the
ironstone workings) is a whole separate story of steam, but I will
enclose a recent picture of a typical English ironstone steam
My study of your magazine, leads me to wonder whether American
Showmen, those who travel with fairs and with circus, ever used
Steam Road Locomotives to haul their loads. Such locomotives are
the pride of the ‘Traction Engine Rallies’ held in U.K. And
I am enclosing a picture of my favorite. It is the
‘Burrell’ named ‘Dreadnought,’ which once belonged
to the famous Showland family, the Hollands. Many years ago it used
to haul, ‘Hollands Golden Dragons.’ It was last used about
1948 by Hollands to haul their ‘Moon-rocket.’ It is now
preserved and owned by W.H. Dorman, who has restored it to the
Holland livery of years ago. It is my favorite because I used to
meet this locomotive as a boy every year as it came down the road
to our annual fair. That is another fantastic and lasting memory
and I am so thankful that Bill Dorman has restored it, and takes it
to the Traction Engine Rallies.
Bill Mason, who used to drive ‘Dreadnought’ is still
alive and lives at Spalding, Lincolnshire.