Secretary, Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Ass ‘n, Route
No. 1, Milton, Iowa
Yup! Another year has just about passed into history, so the
pink slip in my ‘January-February’ issue of the good
magazine reminds me. Thank you for the reminder, while I had it in
mind that my subscription would expire soon, it is very easy to put
long looked for copy fails to turn up in the mails.
I value the picture on the front cover of the November-December
issue of the old familiar ‘Its The Farmers’ Friend And No
Mistake’ — on the wind stackers of all but one of the
separators I have tended since I was old enough to change concaves
and roll out the drive belt. Likewise I will treasure the front
cover of the January-February 1960 issue, nothing could be more
fitting to commemorate the occasion, the time, the place and last
but not least the work of Mr. Blaker and his Associates connected
therewith, who so unselfishly and unsparingly devoted their time
and labor to the cause that the Threshermen of yesterday be not
forgotten. Our congratulations to Mr. Blaker, Pioneer of the
threshers’ organized reunions! Hardly could you have foreseen,
back there in June 1945, the success that has been attained in the
promotion of this work for the benefit and enjoyment of all who
attend the many reunions of the present time. The lower picture on
page 10 of the January-February 1960 issue certainly brings back
the memories of more than forty years ago. I can almost hear the
rattle of the chains on that Garden City wing feeder and the swish
of the taut drive belt. Many threshermen, especially the
separator-men, did not like the wing feeders saying, ‘Too much
extra work to take care of’ but I for one enjoyed tending
seperator with the Garden City wing feeder and to-day still think
it was the greatest invention of its time. Over half a million
bushels of grain passed up the wings of the feeder that fed the
40×60 Red River Special in the five years I spent tending same.
Thanking you again, enclosed my check for another year’s
subscription and to cover the cost of the small advertisement on a
separate sheet for two insertions.