Box 582, Mount Hope, West Virginia
Several issues past, reference was made to the various purposes
to which traction engines have been put. Am enclosing a picture
made in 1902 near Glen Jean, Fayette County, West Virginia. It is a
ten horse power Peerless traction engine, originally used for
threshing in Monroe County, and afterwards rebuilt for use on a
load of fifteen oak logs, 3,500 board feet, in the Garden Ground
section. The engineer, the late J. W. Erskine, is shown just to the
right of the two boys. The original picture was loaned the writer
by his daughter, Mrs. Bascome Coleman.
Why don’t we hear from more past owners of Peerless engines?
There were thousands of these engines built. Were they good ones?
And who used them? I have a Peerless ‘S’ engine, No. 17G75,
with 8’x10′ cylinder. Am enclosing a picture, but have
since rebuilt and placed thereon the canopy.
I certainly enjoy our magazine and would not be without it.