149 Ella Ave., E., Willmar, Minn.
Just after making out my check for a two year renewal to your
interesting magazine I noticed your announcement about your
increase in subscription rates.
Well can I imagine your problems in producing such a
publication. All too many fail to realize the tedious and
to revive memories of yesteryear.
My personal experiences with threshing machine began at the age
of 13 years. I fallowed the game every year up to and including
1936 although I entered engine service on the Great Northern
Railway in 1915, and am still in their service. My present rank is
time freight engineer between Willmar and Minneapolis, Minn.
Willmar is the home terminal with Division Headquarters located
here. We run 100 miles to Minneapolis and 113 miles west to
Breckenridge, Minn., out of this terminal.
From 1921 to 1936 inclusive, I operated my own outfit. A
Minneapolis 30 hp. steamer and a 40’x62′ separator. I am
enclosing some snapshots as an introduction. As the views of the
Minneapolis engine are the only ones left in my collection I am
asking you to return them. The rest you may keep, or throw into the
waste basket.
Incidentally, since my promotion I have handled the 2501 many
times, in both freight and passenger service. With the advent of
Diesel power some of our steam power has been scrapped. There is a
distinct difference in operating steam and diesel power. The latter
is so very mechanical while the steam seems to toe more responsive
to the touch of the man with mechanical ability.
We enjoy your magazine very much. We sincerely hope you can
continue for many, many years.