Steam enthusiast Clarence Coons, a New Holland farm equipment
dealer at Lakefield, Ontario, has found a way to combine fun and
public service. Each summer he operates an event billed as
‘Lakefield Steam Days’ for the benefit of the Canadian
Cancer Society.
An excellent crowd turned out for this year’s event which
a saw mill, a shingle mill and turn-of-the-century New Favorite
thresher. Antique automobile buffs from the Peterborough area
joined the show with their restored cars, and other participants
showed a Bell steamer, a Rumley Oil Pull, a Waterloo Boy and a
century-old hay wagon.
One of the engines displayed was the last Sawyer Massey built.
It was completed in 1926 but not sold until 1932 when it went for
$400 along with a one-year guarantee. Coons also displayed modern
farm machinery so folks could compare the old and new methods of
handling the tough work on the farm.
[We thank Jacob W. Wittmer, Employee Communications and
Community Relations Manager of Sperry – New Holland Co., New
Holland, Pennsylvania 17557 for sending us these pictures and
information and permission to print in our magazine.]