All week I have been trying to clean up the chores to get down
to writing something worthwhile but I’m afraid this will be the
same old story.
Before I do run out of space, we had such good luck with Mr.
Ridenour, we are trying to track down two more subscribers, Their
magazine was returned with insufficient address marked on by the
Bedell Grand Junction, Colorado. Anyone know them?
If any of you are planning a trip in April I sincerely think it
would be worth your time and effort to travel to Cheraw, South
Carolina to see the beautiful flowers at Bomar Water Gardens and
all the antique equipment collection of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers
at Antique Acres. Prior to Pearl Harbor these folks began their
collection and it must be a grand collection. On Friday, Saturday
and Sunday of April 10, 11 and 12, 1970, they are planning a show
and invite one and all to come visit. You must read their ad
elsewhere in this magazine as I have covered only a small portion.
Also to get directions to their estate. Different pictures of
machinery are throughout the Iron Men Album.
My husband and I attended the Stewartstown banquet and really
enjoyed the delicious turkey and all the trimmings. Mrs. Schaefer
really worked to make the banquet a success. We couldn’t make
it to any other banquets.
We have had grand Fall weather so far but I’m prepared for
the snow. If I’m not able to drive I’ll put on my knee high
boots and walk to work, we live only a short distance away, as the
crow flies.
A number of you write and ask what we mean by the key number on
your renewal slips. That is the letter and number following your
name. It tells us what issue you expire and the page and column
number of that particular book. It only saves us time and effort,
but we appreciate it.
Mr. J. M. Johnson, Minneapolis, wants to know why they must call
a Steam Traction Engine a Gas Tractor! Ugh! That is just one of the
things that confuses me, Mr. Johnson. I said ‘Hi’ to Elmer,
Earlene, Anna Mae, Roy and Uncle Jake for you.
Mr. J. V. Hagan of Conneaut, Ohio lost a thumb and finger on a
saw table, I do hope it has healed and didn’t give you too much
trouble. Let that be a warning to you amateurs.
Although this is the Jan-Feb. issue you will be receiving it
before Christmas so I send our best wishes to each of you and may
all of you have the happiest of Holidays.