Gettin Up Speed

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1971
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Ready to thresh at Andrews farm in 1920 with 24'' cyl. Woods Bros. Thresher, ran by a 12-25 Waterloo Boy. Courtesy of Kenneth S. Dennis, Box 508. Ralph's Trailer Park, Leesburg, Florida 32748.
Ready to thresh at Andrews farm in 1920 with 24'' cyl. Woods Bros. Thresher, ran by a 12-25 Waterloo Boy. Courtesy of Kenneth S. Dennis, Box 508. Ralph's Trailer Park, Leesburg, Florida 32748.

Believe it or not, this is the beginning of another year and my
New Year’s Resolution is to try to go full speed ahead but must
admit my speed is almost at a standstill.

I thought I was going at a fast clip and was planning to take
the week of Nov. 2nd off. Then, in order to get this issue out by
Dec. 1, I had to have all material to Uncle Jake by Nov. 4. I’m

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