Well this is the day after the big day, Election Day. Hope your
favorite candidate came out as the winner. Had tried to start
writing this column yesterday while I had a few free minutes but I
just couldn’t concentrate for wondering how the Presidential
race was going to turn out. I was the 100th person to vote in our
precinct. That was early in the morning, and I had already worked
I have had many interesting letters from you readers and I
can’t acknowledge them all but we do appreciate them. I have a
new helper, Janet Hosier, and already she thinks I’m just
creat-jobs for her. We have been friends many years and we might
just become enemies if I ask her to answer by letters for me. She
is doing her best to keep you people on the right track.
I am trying to help a subscriber who is looking for a miniature
steam guage for a model engine (about the size of a dime.) If you
know where he might purchase one, will you please let him know? He
is Mr. Russell W. Templeton, 308 Prospect St. Warren, Penna. 16365.
He will appreciate it. He wishes the Iron Men were a monthly
magazine. That I can’t agree on.
Mr. Harsch of Spokane, Washington, wrote that he had no rope, no
gun and no sycamore tree but he did want to renew his Iron Men for
5 years, since he does appreciate the magazine. We have had many to
renew it for 5, 4, 3 and many, many for two years. We thank, you
and at least we have to stay in business for that many years. I
can’t vouch that I will still be writing this column but
someone more qualified will be.
My husband and I attended the Stewartstown banquet a few weeks
ago. Those ladies surely know how to cook a turkey dinner.
Had word from Mr. Ingvard Haugen of Hannaford, North Dakota,
that he had two threshers running at the same time this fall one
day. Had a nice crowd and lots of work and fun. He calls that
Think I have written about my limit so will end this hoping your
Holiday’s are the merriest and our family sends all of you dear
hearts and gentle people our Best Wishes;