Due to the heavy mail I’m sure this column won’t be very
long for this issue. Reunion time means work for everyone involved
and we aren’t on the short end-Glad to see all the new
subscriptions and renewals coming in but we can’t burn midnight
oil too many times. If I haven’t answered any questions you
might have written in, try again, I don’t mean to ignore
We just attended the Williams Grove Steam Show and it was very
nice. One lady said she had never seen anything like it and next
year she was going to see to it that another grandson in New York
would get here to take in the attraction. Another one of her
grandson’s had brought her and she was so amazed at it all. I
drug my husband to Stewartstown and Williams Grove and after
getting there he had a very good time watching the steam engines as
they reminded him of his early life in Germany. Both reunions were
very nice.
Beside the magazine work I have been sewing for my two daughters
to go back to school. Luckily the third one is a son and I can buy
all of his clothes. The girls think because I made them a dress for
the first day when they were small it is still a must for Junior
High School.
Before I forget, must remind you to check our ‘Christmas
Gift List’. There just may be a book that would please some one
on your list or even a subscription to one of our magazines.
Best wishes and Season’s Greetings to all you dear hearts
and gentle people.