The year 1970 just bowed out but not before it dumped 12 inches
of snow on us. I wonder what the year 1971 holds in store for each
of us!
In November we received a nice letter from Mr. Andy Suttee,
Route 1, Elkland, Missouri 65644. I would like to share it with all
readers hoping it may be of help to someone. ‘Dear Steam Engine
Magazine, and it may be the last one, as I am 75 years old last
February 3. I’m in very poor health, I had asthma, then turned
to diffuse Pulmonary Fibrosis, Emphysema, Bronchitis and I have
been in the hospital three times. One lung blowed out. And this all
started from smoking cigarettes.
‘I haven’t smoked for 8 years, the doctors told me if I
didn’t quit they wouldn’t doctor me and take my money when
they couldn’t do me any good.
‘I was raised up with the steam engine threshing and saw
mill. I fired the steamer when I was only 10 years old, they
wouldn’t let me drive it on the road though. I had an
Emerson-Brant-ingham (?) steam engine I bought in 1944, 18 hp. and
sawed lumber all around Elkland for 16 years. I had it in a fourth
of July parade at Marshfield, Missouri. The 100th Anniversary of
Webster county in 1955. I had light heart attack in 1957, and had
to quit and give my engine away, if I had it now I could get $4500.
for it, for the whole outfit I only got $600. for engine and mill.
I am here today and maybe gone tomorrow. I am getting tired and
will have to quit, with all my love to all Steam Engine lovers and
especially to all Stem gas People and their families. And may God
be with you till we meet again.’ Signed Andy Suttee. Then on
the back of the letter he had the prayer he said as he fired up his
engine. ‘I would say a prayer to God about the old steamer
watch the smoke come out the smoke stack, water simmering in the
boiler, building up power. It was God’s water, the wood, the
smoke, the metal in engine from God’s own earth that made the
power that has never been beaten yet and never will be. The same
power in his blood keep our power with him. That never dies and the
love that never fades. To all live with His power (Amen).’ If
that little message helps one person it will make Andy happy.
Another request for help, Mike O Keefe, 2580 Nelson St.,
Lakewood, Colorado 80215, is a student at the Everitt Jr. High
School and they are studying the history of mankind, through the
development of technology. His particular area is the history and
development of the steam tractor before 1900. The least little
article would be greatly appreciated.
At this time I would like to thank everyone who sent
Season’s Greetings and beautiful cards. Even had one very
attractive card with a gas engine powering a cross cut saw on it.
This, no doubt, belongs in the gas engine magazine but since I have
written my last column for that magazine, and this is my last
column for the Iron Men Album, I will have to hope Mr. Foster reads
Al and Gertrude, I will write you a letter once in a while now,
you won’t be able to keep track of me through this magazine.
(That is Gus’ sister and husband, The Barkers, who live in
Pasadena, California.) Gus’ brother, Frank, just became a new
subscriber but his family live a little closer and we can visit
each other. We spent Thanksgiving Day with Frank and Clara and all
the children and grandchildren and it was wonderful. We have
subscribers in Schwenksville, Penna., and they live near there.
As the saying goes, it is a small world, until we meet again, so
long all you dear hearts and gentle people.