He Gets Paid For This!

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1975
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We thank Bill Paulson of the Butterfield Advocate newspaper Butterfield, Minnesota 56120 for use of these pictures and article.
We thank Bill Paulson of the Butterfield Advocate newspaper Butterfield, Minnesota 56120 for use of these pictures and article.
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HERE'S WHY HE INSPECTS! This South Dakota steam engine blew up while getting ready for a parade. Courtesy of the Butterfield Advocate.
HERE'S WHY HE INSPECTS! This South Dakota steam engine blew up while getting ready for a parade. Courtesy of the Butterfield Advocate.
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Art Rah Steam Inspector
Art Rah Steam Inspector

Art Rah visited Voss Park last Thursday and got a view of a
steam engine nobody gets.

He stuck his head in the fire boxes of five steam engines, a
messy job to say the least. But that is Art’s job, and Thursday
was the day he, as state boiler inspector -made his annual
inspection of the Threshing Bee’s antique steamers.

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