8125 State Street, South Gate, California
James H. Lawlor of 8125 State St., South Gate, California, has
re-activated his four cylinder uniflow engine that he introduced in
1948. He has constantly strived to build a better engine, with a
few new innovations added. This engine can be used in many
applications too numerous to mention.
There is a real world need for a steam farm tractor, and his
present endeavor has been applying his unit to a No. 20 Cockshutt
farm tractor. This make of tractor uses the chassis construction
that proves best to convert from gasoline operation to steam.
This steam unit will apply to other makes of tractors we hope to
work on in the near future, but for the present he intends to
supply the necessary parts to the best of his ability to any one
that wishes to build his own steam plant.
He operates a small shop, doing most of the work himself. He
hopes to contact some manufacturer that can really produce these
units in mass production.
He has built several types of steam controlled units, automatic,
semi-automatic and manual. He finds the manual type to be best for
the farmer.
This steam tractor is a manual operated type with a water level
steam generator, hydrostatic tested for 3000 P. S. I. Operating
pressure 500-1000 P. S. I. with an A. S. M. E. authorization
Steam Engine Specifications:
4 cylinder, 2 cycle, single action V
Cylinders, cylinder head, and intake
and exhaust manifold are cast in
Meehonite in pairs.
Bore 3-3/16 x 4-1/4 stroke.
Pistons, aluminum alloy 356 closed
Piston pins case hardened 1′.
Rings – special
Crankshaft drop forged.
Main bearings – sealed ball bearings.
Crank case 356 aluminum alloy.
Connecting rods, drop forged.
Valves, special stainless steel.
Valve springs, stainless steel.
Valve guides, oil lite.
Valve lifters, case hardened.
Cam Shaft, reversible, case
Timing gears – navy bronze.
Force feed oil pressure to each
Automatic condensation control and
other innovations.
Manufacturing rights are available.