Here is an article written a long time ago and we lost it.
However, it is one of those kind that is good anytime so we
reproduce it with apologies to Charles Hare, Box 193, Glenwillard,
Pa., the author. (Ed.)
‘TRYING TO CONVEY MY feelings after another Reunion of Rough
and Tumble Engineers at Kinzers, Pa., has passed into history. I
his first vacation on a farm and having made friends with a pretty
little maid who lives nearby. How those happy hours speed away and
how blue we feel for awhile afterwards. The smiling faces rise up
before us and we sincerely lift our hearts in prayer for them
According to the heading of this article, I started out to write
about a permanent home for steam traction engines and other
machinery used by our stalwart forefathers.
The members of the ‘Rough and Tumble Engineers Historical
Association’ at Kinzers, Pa., have already given considerable
thought to a suitable building in which to display and protect
these precious ‘antiques’ from the elements.
With the uncertain conditions of today, including changing
prices for almost everything, it would be quite difficult to even
estimate the cost of erecting such a building.
First is the location, in beautiful surroundings, if possible.
Sturdy structure with good overhead protection and fireproof.
Adequate space to house all machinery, also allow for hall or
auditorium for meetings. Building to be erected on large enough
piece of land for future enlargement or for additional buildings,
if needed
Some mention has been made about members who so desired,
spending part of their vacation in the vicinity of Kinzers and
donating some time in the construction of this building. Think this
over and decide how many days you will contribute to this worthy
Possibly some arrangement could be made for a suitable kind of
entertainment evenings, after work, such as helpful movies, which
can be obtained many places, one of which, is, Association of
American Railroads, Transportation Building, Washington, D. C.
Perhaps, and no doubt, there are many who could help put on home
talent plays and everyone have a good time.
A little later, if permitted to do so, I’ll offer
suggestions on how to increase our membership and raise additional
funds, with the thought in mind of making our dreams come true as
quickly as possible.