Billings, Missouri
I enjoy getting our magazine (The Iron-Men Album) very much, but
when I read ’20 years old’ on the back cover of Vol. 20,
Number 4, March-April 1966 it makes one wonder where time has gone
and what we have done with it. I was glad to know I was one of the
38 men you sent that sample copy of Vol. 1, No. 1 Winter of 1946. I
Back then our Magazine was called (The Farm Album) but in 1951
with the September-October Vol. 6, No. 1, the name was changed to
its present name (The Iron-Men Album) and from that 38 subscribers
in 1946 to over 8000 now in 1966WONDERFUL!
The fall of 1921, my wife and I hired out to the Octker Bros.
Thresher Co. She, as cook at the cook shack and I as separator
oiler. The next year she cooked and I was engineer. Then we bought
a rig and I threshed for 42 years without missing a season. Also,
hulled some 3000 bu. Red Clover.
In 1958 Mr. Virgil Anderson, Mr. Burton Salchow, Mr. Ed Hunt and
myself had a Steam Day. Mr. Anderson had a 24 hp. Minnie, Mr.
Salchow, a 6 hp. portable Peerless and my 20 hp. Advance-Rumely and
20-40 Oil Pull. Mr. Hunt was Ford Tractor Dealer at the time and he
brought Ford equipment. Had some 800 present and a dandy time. Mr.
Salchow died December 7, 1959.
So in 1962 we organized what is called The Ozark Steam Engine
Assn. and had our first show here at Billings, Missouri in
September 1962 with 4200 present. We had a three day show and it
RAINED all three days but we sure had fun. In 1963 our Association
bought 17 acres two miles east of Republic, Missouri on Highway 60
and 13 and we have had our show there since.
I like to go to others shows and meet old friends and make new
ones. I think the last time I talked to you was at Mt. Pleasant,
Iowa in 1963.
I am past 65, have my wife, one daughter and son that are
married. Our son is a Baptist preacher. Our oldest son was killed
in Korea in 1951. Our youngest son, who just got back from Viet Nam
is to be married in February. Also we have 7 granddaughters and 1
I own a 16 hp. Reeves, a 20 hp. Advance-Rumely and a 20-40 Oil
Pull. Our grandson is 4 years old and he calls the Oil Pull
‘Dad’s Oil Putt Putt’. His Dad has a 9 hp. Case.