I Remember

By John Bontreger
Published on January 1, 1958
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Hart-Parr tractor and Red River Special in 1915. The place is 5 miles south of Bloomfield, Montana. Owned by Bontreger & Boutelle, Bloom field. Montana. See Mr. Montreger's letter, I Remember.
Hart-Parr tractor and Red River Special in 1915. The place is 5 miles south of Bloomfield, Montana. Owned by Bontreger & Boutelle, Bloom field. Montana. See Mr. Montreger's letter, I Remember.
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A 1914 Ford in the rolling hills of Eastern Montana. See Mr. Bontreger's article, I Remember.
A 1914 Ford in the rolling hills of Eastern Montana. See Mr. Bontreger's article, I Remember.

Belleville, Pennsylvania

WAS CERTAINLY INterested to see the picture of the vertical
Westinghouse engine in the last issue of the ALBUM, because I saw
that outfit along the trail between Miles City and Cohagen when I
was driving through there from Miles to my homestead 12 miles
southwest of Cohagen on Little Dry Creek.

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