Tri-State Antique Engines & Threshers Association, of Bird
City, Kan., has a number of ideas which other organizations will
probably be glad to hear about. The ideas are listed in the news
letter issued in conjunction with the 30th annual show, July
A restored Cheyenne County school house is a new feature this
County Historical Society is cooperating on the project.
‘Classes’ will be held during the show, and we’ll bet
the Three Rs will figure very strongly.
The club has chosen a Queen annually since 1973, when Mrs. Ada
Koken, of Bird City, won the honor. The 1982 Queen was Mrs. Sophia
Boll, of St. Francis.
Policy on admissions, parking, commercial spaces and other items
is spelled out in a newsletter; that saves a lot of wear and tear
in bent nerves and long explanations.
A second public rest room is being added. That certainly will
bring gratitude from people who get tired waiting in line.
A Get Acquainted potluck meal is held on the eve of the opening.
New exhibitors especially should enjoy this, for it can help them
get started on the right foot. Norman Dorsch of Bird City is the
new president. Hal Sager is MC for the show.
The newsletter also contains humor and philosophy, such as
‘We are all manufacturers some make good, others make
trouble and still others make excuses.’