Hi! Nancy here.
Get out that bathing suit, fire up that grill in case you
didn’t notice SUMMER’S HERE. Ah, my favorite time of the
year walks in the woods, fresh flowers, cool breezes on the porch
in the evening, home made ice cream picnics, camping and shows and
reunions. Best of all there’s vacations. If you’re taking
tell us about it. We’d all like to share your adventure.
A call for help goes out for two of our subscribers this month.
Mr. Richard Starkey, R. 2, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, is in need of a
or 1 inch governor but is unable to locate a company that
manufacturers them. Should you know of any such company, drop Mr.
Starkey a line; he’ll be very grateful.
The second call comes from Ivan S. Kropf, Rt. 3, Box 280,
Molalla, Oregon 97038. He has some wooden buggy wheels with iron
rims that need repaired. Unfortunately, he can’t seem to find
anyone that repairs them. If you know of any one, preferably on the
West Coast, put them in touch with Mr. Kropf.
Now I need help. This has absolutely nothing to do with any kind
of engine but with dogs. My poor old dog (a 10 year old female
beagle) gets the worst case of summer eczema you ever saw. Nothing,
but nothing seems to help it. Not even the Vet has been successful.
Happen to have a sure fire cure for this? If you do, send it to me
in care of the magazine. Who knows, you may save a dog’s
Moving? Then get that change of address to us before
you move. If you don’t chances are you may miss an issue and
for gosh sakes, you don’t want to do that.
To all of you who may be potential advertisers in this fair
magazine, please take note. There is certain information we
must have before we are able to process your ad; namely
which magazine you want it in (Iron-Men, Gas or both), what kind of
advertisement (classified, display, page, page or full page) and
how long you want it to run. Without this vital information we are
unable to help you. Time is lost writing letters back and forth
requesting the. missing information and sometimes results in the ad
not getting placed in the proper issue. Also, please take note to
the deadline for placing ads. This information always appears on
the first page in the preceeding issue. For example, the deadline
for the September-October issue is printed in this issue on page
Tardy in renewing? If you forgot to renew your subscription
right away and missed more than two issues, we would appreciate it
if you would indicate on your renewal notice whether or not you
wish to continue your subscription where it ran out or if you would
rather start new. Some people don’t want to miss an issue and
others would just as soon start fresh. Unless you tell us we are
rather perplexed as to what to do with late renewals. Just write a
note on the bottom and we ’11 take care of it.
Thought provoker ‘They say so’ is half a lie. Thomas