The International Steamboat Society was conceived and initiated
in 1984 to form a link and a means of communication among the many
steamboat enthusiasts worldwide.’ Steamboat’ as used here
means any steam-powered, generally non-commercial water-craft:
yacht, launch, paddle wheeler, tug, replica, dinghy, canoe, etc.
The Society is open to anyone who owns, has owned, or merely has an
Membership in ISS entitles one to a subscription to the
Steamboat News Edited by Bill Warren Mueller.
SN contains news about members, their boats, engines, boilers,
and anything else relating to steamboats. There are how-to
articles, equipment plans, news about meets and other events,
questions and answers, classifieds.
Annual membership dues including a subscription to Steamboat
News are $12 in U.S. funds for worldwide surface delivery or $17 if
overseas air mail is desired. The mailing address is: International
Steamboat Society, Rt. 1, Box 262, Middlebourne, WV 26149.