The weather has been beautiful and I just know you all are
getting ready to take in some steam shows. This is the July August
issue so before long the season will be over.
The children are anxious for their vacation from school and they
will be just as anxious for it to start in September. They will
have about ten weeks vacation. The way my girls figure, if I make
with. I probably didn’t have ten for all four years in high
school. How times have changed!
Recently someone wrote asking about having their magazines sent
First Class (don’t know if it was Iron Men or Gas Engine), the
letter has been mislaid so if they will write again we will change
them to the First Class mailing list.
On Sunday my husband took me and the children for a very nice
ride; we traveled through some of the best farming sections of the
state; all the fields look nice and green with grain or grass
growing, or the contrasting dark color of freshly plowed fields
made ready for corn planting; orchard trees are in blossom, here
and there large herds of cattle are in pasture; altogether it makes
a very beautiful and peaceful picture; it’s hard to imagine
that in the same country, yes even in the same state, there can be
hatred and discontent. But because our magazine is anything but
political, I’d better not dwell too much on that subject, yet I
do believe that by far, the most of us would welcome more
friendliness, less greed, and be able to read less about muggings,
theft, murder, and what is so often referred to as
‘Demonstrations’ in our newspapers and magazines.
Before we demonstrate too much we should do more looking around;
I’m sure most of us could still see that good old America is
still a pretty nice place to call Home.
Now I feel better and must say so long to you all until next