Iron Man Of The Month

By Joe Fahnestock
Published on January 1, 1969
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Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana 47390 Whenever the delicate touch of the feminine hand is needed 'round an engine, it's when it needs its smokebox door re-lettered. Here Iron-spouse Erna lends that special touch-and again under the critica
Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana 47390 Whenever the delicate touch of the feminine hand is needed 'round an engine, it's when it needs its smokebox door re-lettered. Here Iron-spouse Erna lends that special touch-and again under the critica
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Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana 47390 At Old-time Threshers & Sawmillers Reunion, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Erna Wright lends femine touch at stoking the Baker firebox under the critical eye of her lord high-mighty, Iron-Man, Frank Wrig
Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana 47390 At Old-time Threshers & Sawmillers Reunion, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Erna Wright lends femine touch at stoking the Baker firebox under the critical eye of her lord high-mighty, Iron-Man, Frank Wrig
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‘Frank, you did remember to bank the fire down in the Baker
before coming to bed, didn’t you?’

‘Yes, Dear.’

‘Frank, you checked the water in the boiler?’

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