By Joe Fahnestock
Published on March 1, 1966
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Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana Iron-Man, Percy Sherman, pitches in on the hand threshing at Buckeye Threshers, Anna, Ohio. Percy Sherman, 'cracks the throttle' on the hand-thresher. Back of him, host Elmer Egbert with pitchfork
Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana Iron-Man, Percy Sherman, pitches in on the hand threshing at Buckeye Threshers, Anna, Ohio. Percy Sherman, 'cracks the throttle' on the hand-thresher. Back of him, host Elmer Egbert with pitchfork
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Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana A crumpled engineer' cap, a well-chewed cigar, a steady look and a horny-hand with stub fingers around the throttle that's Iron-Man, Percy Sherman, making that 10 Horse Frick do her stuff.
Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana A crumpled engineer' cap, a well-chewed cigar, a steady look and a horny-hand with stub fingers around the throttle that's Iron-Man, Percy Sherman, making that 10 Horse Frick do her stuff.

Daily News Feature Writer and Radio’s ‘Joe’s

A grease-crumpled engineer’s cap, a well-chewed, burned-out
cigar, a determined look and a horny-hand with a stub-finger on the
throttle it couldn’t be anyone else but Iron Man Percy Sherman
that’s making that 10-horse Frick engine do her stuff.

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