Iron Man Of The Month

By Joe Fahnestock
Published on March 1, 1971
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A fast east-bound hot-shot freight, with a mighty 5,000 hp. PRR. J-1 on the head-end. This is the kind of locomotive that D. B. McCorkle often ran through Union City, Indiana - his whistle artistry often heard for miles rolling over the country night air,
A fast east-bound hot-shot freight, with a mighty 5,000 hp. PRR. J-1 on the head-end. This is the kind of locomotive that D. B. McCorkle often ran through Union City, Indiana - his whistle artistry often heard for miles rolling over the country night air,
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Dan McCorkle strikes the ''Classic'' pose of the veteran steam locomotive engineer. - By the mere movement of one hand on the throttle of his 5,000 hp. J-1 locomotive, McCorkle would soon move 9,000 tons of coal, starting the entire train on an incline an
Dan McCorkle strikes the ''Classic'' pose of the veteran steam locomotive engineer. - By the mere movement of one hand on the throttle of his 5,000 hp. J-1 locomotive, McCorkle would soon move 9,000 tons of coal, starting the entire train on an incline an


There was that J-l at the head-end of a long string of hoppers
that reached far out of town, waiting for the westbound block
signal of the Union City tower, which my eye caught sight of as I
bounced over the double PRR – NYC crossing on the main street of
town. Always a lover of that greatest of all man-made machines, the

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