Iron Man Of The Month

By Joe Fahnestock
Published on November 1, 1969
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Up the Hill goes Harry Woodmansee, Pipe, red polka-dot cap and old Case No. 9. These are sights that thrill the throngs at midwest reunions, matched only by performers at the Old Big Top years ago.
Up the Hill goes Harry Woodmansee, Pipe, red polka-dot cap and old Case No. 9. These are sights that thrill the throngs at midwest reunions, matched only by performers at the Old Big Top years ago.
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Better say 'Hello' to the Lord while you're up there,'' yelled Jay Gould over the WOWO radio mikes at the Ft. Wayne, Ind. Old Time Threshers and Sawmillers Show.
Better say 'Hello' to the Lord while you're up there,'' yelled Jay Gould over the WOWO radio mikes at the Ft. Wayne, Ind. Old Time Threshers and Sawmillers Show.


‘Running a thresh engine is more difficult than that of
handling a railroad locomotive,’ is the way Iron Man Harry
Woodmansee puts it. ‘Railroads are usually level, whereas
running a traction engine a fellow has hills and valleys to go
over, and he has to keep stricter watch on water levels and the

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