Iron Man Of The Month

By Joe Fahnestock
Published on November 1, 1971
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ALL BUCKEYE Born in Ohio, threshed and farmed in Ohio, engine made in Ohio. Iron-Man Hugh Hartzell of northeast Union City, Ohio-Indiana territory, on his 21-75 Baker counter-flow Engine at Darke County Steam Threshers, Greenville, Ohio. White shirt, n
ALL BUCKEYE Born in Ohio, threshed and farmed in Ohio, engine made in Ohio. Iron-Man Hugh Hartzell of northeast Union City, Ohio-Indiana territory, on his 21-75 Baker counter-flow Engine at Darke County Steam Threshers, Greenville, Ohio. White shirt, n
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ALL THAT SMOKE AND NO PLACE TO GO?-Hugh Hartzell doesn't dress like the dirty-overalled steam engineer, but he's up there on the swaying deck as much as anyone. And he keeps that Baker as clean as the white shirt he's wearing. Rumor has it that, although
ALL THAT SMOKE AND NO PLACE TO GO?-Hugh Hartzell doesn't dress like the dirty-overalled steam engineer, but he's up there on the swaying deck as much as anyone. And he keeps that Baker as clean as the white shirt he's wearing. Rumor has it that, although


He’s the typical American thresher man. And to hear him
laugh and blow the whistle on his counter-flow Baker, you know
he’s enjoyed every minute of it, come good times or hard times
down on the farm.

Whether it’s helping out at the Darke County ‘Steam

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