Iron Man Of The Month

By Joe Fahnestock
Published on September 1, 1967
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MANY FRIENDS DROP BY TO CHAT WITH ELMER Joe Ernst, Grand Trunk engineer, gives Elmer his old locomotive oil-can to put in his KORN KOB MUSEUM. Ernst has also made some, threshing rigs out of wood for the museum. Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, In
MANY FRIENDS DROP BY TO CHAT WITH ELMER Joe Ernst, Grand Trunk engineer, gives Elmer his old locomotive oil-can to put in his KORN KOB MUSEUM. Ernst has also made some, threshing rigs out of wood for the museum. Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, In
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Elmer's favorite engine at N.T.A. was the Kitten. Here he gets the ''feel'' of the Kitten throttle to see if it can purrrr. Behind him is Walter Knapp, Monroe, Michigan, owner of the Kitten. Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana
Elmer's favorite engine at N.T.A. was the Kitten. Here he gets the ''feel'' of the Kitten throttle to see if it can purrrr. Behind him is Walter Knapp, Monroe, Michigan, owner of the Kitten. Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union City, Indiana
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FOR HIS CORN KOB MUSEUM Elmer proudly shows me a wooden model of threshing rig which he just bought on ground of N.T.A. in 1966. Rumor has it that Joe Ernst, Grand Trunk engineer, made it for the Korn Krib. (Here Folks, is a good look at Joe Fahnestock to
FOR HIS CORN KOB MUSEUM Elmer proudly shows me a wooden model of threshing rig which he just bought on ground of N.T.A. in 1966. Rumor has it that Joe Ernst, Grand Trunk engineer, made it for the Korn Krib. (Here Folks, is a good look at Joe Fahnestock to
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REMINISCING ABOUT THE IRON MEN BY TWO IRON MEN Pres Le Roy Blaker drops by, discusses humble beginnings of THE FARM ALBUM with Elmer. Blaker still has the letter Elmer wrote him, asking if he thought magazine would be worthwhile. (Don't usually blow my ow
REMINISCING ABOUT THE IRON MEN BY TWO IRON MEN Pres Le Roy Blaker drops by, discusses humble beginnings of THE FARM ALBUM with Elmer. Blaker still has the letter Elmer wrote him, asking if he thought magazine would be worthwhile. (Don't usually blow my ow
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KITTEN ENGINE LOVER GRABS A CAT-NAP. Elmer grabs a few moments of ''shut-eye'' prior to delivering Sunday morning sermon at 1966 N.T.A. I sneaked past, saw him there, couldn't resist snapping picture. Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union C
KITTEN ENGINE LOVER GRABS A CAT-NAP. Elmer grabs a few moments of ''shut-eye'' prior to delivering Sunday morning sermon at 1966 N.T.A. I sneaked past, saw him there, couldn't resist snapping picture. Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock, Union C

‘joe’s journal’

‘And may this day be both pleasant and profitable to both us
and to Thee, in Jesus name and for His sake we ask it, AMEN.’
Thus prays the Rev. Elmer L. Ritzman at each and all the numerous
steam thresher-men’s conclaves and reunions throughout the

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