The ‘Lumber Harvester’ portable sawmill has been
demonstrated at a great many steam engine shows in the Middle West,
such as in Dalton, Minn., where it was operated by Lloyd Larson,
Alexandria, Minn., in Mable, Minn., where Harold Rosendahl, Spring
Grove, Minn. demonstrated his unit; at the Zumbro Valley Show on
the Budinski Bros. Farm in West Concord, where it was shown by the
Isaacson of Mondovi demonstrated his ‘Lumber Harvester’; in
Sand Creek, Wis., where Harvey Hendrickson of Sand Creek exhibited
his unit; and many others. This June the ‘Lumber Harvester’
will be demonstrated in Poznan, Poland, at the 31st International
Trade Fair, under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Commerce.
The purpose of the Fair is to aid in the advancement of world
understanding of peace and prosperity under the American system of
competitive free enterprise.
The ‘Lumber Harvester’ was invented by Clinton D.
Jackson, of Mondovi, Wis., a good steam engine man known to many
Album readers.
It is a rugged piece of machinery as well built and durable as
the best steam traction engine. A ‘Lumber Harvester’ and a
good steam engine really make a fine ‘team’ when paired
together. What a pleasant sound it is to the ears of devoted steam
engine fans to hear the snort of their favorite engine hooked up to
a sawmill!
The ‘Lumber Harvester’ will be demonstrated in Poland by
Tom Meis, who is also a steam enthusiast. Tom tells us that he will
send the Album any pictures he might be able to take of steam
engines behind the iron curtain.