‘Johnson’s Pot Luck Roundup’

By Gilmar Johnson
Published on November 1, 1957
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Here is the group that met July 6th, 1957 at the Gilmar Johnson's home in a Pot Luck Roundup and Meet the Editor's Wife Reunion. Gil-mar and Alice stopped everything except Jerkin the Jerseys to entertain this group. It was lots of fun and the Editor's wi

Frederic, Wisconsin

(Meet the Editor’s Wife Reunion), July 6th, 1957

IN THE PICTURE (some-where in this issue) are some ‘ALBUM
Readers’ (98%) with a lot of steam in the background. Included
in the group are-Hardy Lind-blad, Frederic, Wis.; Harry Schachts,
Eau Claire, Wis.; Chas. Mell, Harris, Minn.; Carl Wolfe, Rush City,

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