By Frederic
Published on March 1, 1956
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Johnson's Place, Frederic, Wisconsin. Since they don't have tobacco beds to steam they steam clean a corn planter. Gil says it did a right good job of cleaning out the dust and fertilizer. Harry Schacht of Eau Clair, Wisconsin, steering the hose and Louie
Johnson's Place, Frederic, Wisconsin. Since they don't have tobacco beds to steam they steam clean a corn planter. Gil says it did a right good job of cleaning out the dust and fertilizer. Harry Schacht of Eau Clair, Wisconsin, steering the hose and Louie
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Our good friend and ALBUM reader, Harvey Obrecht, Thor, Iowa. A Saddle Tanker engine that hauls rocks from quarry to crusher at Dresser, Wisconsin. They have six of these locomotives and two big steam shovels still going strong during the summer months. C
Our good friend and ALBUM reader, Harvey Obrecht, Thor, Iowa. A Saddle Tanker engine that hauls rocks from quarry to crusher at Dresser, Wisconsin. They have six of these locomotives and two big steam shovels still going strong during the summer months. C
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An unusual picture-Two Kackson Lumber Harvester saw mills working on the same sight at the same time. The mills are owned and operated by Carl Peterson, Frederic, Wisconsin. The picture was taken while sawing for Dennis Frandsen, one mile west of Rush Cit
An unusual picture-Two Kackson Lumber Harvester saw mills working on the same sight at the same time. The mills are owned and operated by Carl Peterson, Frederic, Wisconsin. The picture was taken while sawing for Dennis Frandsen, one mile west of Rush Cit


Nearly every community in Polk and Burnett Counties, and many
from a greater distance were represented at the sixth annual Steam
Engine Day at the Gilmar Johnson farm in West Sweden, Frederic,

Bright autumn weather helped make it a grand day for the crowd

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