JOSEPH FAWKES: steam plow pioneer

By Bill Lenox
Published on January 1, 1977
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American Society of Agricultural Engineers
Joseph Fawkes' steam plow of 1858. Main frame was of iron, 8 feet wide by 12 feet long, resting on the axle of a roller (driver), 6 feet in diameter and 6 feet wide. One cylinder, 9'' in diameter with 15'' stroke was provided on each side of the boiler an

Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022

In the summer of 1853, on August 11, inventor, Joseph Fawkes,
demonstrated his patented steam plow at Christiana, Pennsylvania,
to about 1,000 interested spectators.

The Philadelphia press reported ‘satisfactory results,’
saying that the plowing was executed ‘as well as that usually

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