By Staff
Published on March 1, 1974
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Horse power threshing at the 1973 Kings Show being demonstrated as it was done years ago with six teams.
Horse power threshing at the 1973 Kings Show being demonstrated as it was done years ago with six teams.
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Pitching bundles into a threshing machine is a treat nowadays, compared to what it used to be like over a half century ago. Seen at the top of the machine is George W. Hedtke, president of the show at Kings.
Pitching bundles into a threshing machine is a treat nowadays, compared to what it used to be like over a half century ago. Seen at the top of the machine is George W. Hedtke, president of the show at Kings.
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This picture shows the Westphalion All Stallion Hitch at the Kings Show, August 5.
This picture shows the Westphalion All Stallion Hitch at the Kings Show, August 5.
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This picture shows the out-door Church Services at the J. Floyd King Farm, August 5.
This picture shows the out-door Church Services at the J. Floyd King Farm, August 5.
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Steam Power Threshing with a complete 50 HP Case Outfit as was done in the early 20s.
Steam Power Threshing with a complete 50 HP Case Outfit as was done in the early 20s.
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In this picture is Mrs. Emil [Ethyl] Svanda of Davis Junction, Illinois, the ''1973 Threshing Bee Queen'' of North Central Illinois Steam Power Show, King Farm, Kings, Illinois is seated in a 1893 Surrey, pulled in the parade Sunday, August 5, by a team o
In this picture is Mrs. Emil [Ethyl] Svanda of Davis Junction, Illinois, the ''1973 Threshing Bee Queen'' of North Central Illinois Steam Power Show, King Farm, Kings, Illinois is seated in a 1893 Surrey, pulled in the parade Sunday, August 5, by a team o

The North Central Illinois Steam Power Show, Inc., closed its
1973 four-day Steam and Horse Power Threshing Show, Sunday evening,
August 5, at the J. Floyd King farm at Kings, III. The show was a
great success in big measures, making it the best in 7 years at
Kings. The weather was beautiful all four days with plenty of

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