There are few among us lucky enough to have memory of viewing a brand new steam traction engine making its first pull in a field or watching as it was belted to a thresher for the first time. By my reckoning, 1940 witnessed the last new steam traction engine in the U.S. – a 25 HP Kitten manufactured by Ferdinand Iron Works in Ferdinand, Ind.
In the intervening 67 years, steam power, at least in agriculture, has been wholly superseded by gas or diesel tractors, and in the past half century no one in the U.S. has even considered building a new steam traction engine. And who could blame them? With no market, it’s simply chasing windmills.
But over in England, where the passion for steam preservation is at least as active as it is here, a company called Great Northern Steam has built a new steam traction engine.
Based on a century-old design, it’s a visual treat. And better yet, Great Northern Steam is planning on building a series of engines for British enthusiasts. As you’ll learn reading Mike Dyson’s excellent accounting of the engine (including a road test – surely a first for us!), the decision to build new was motivated by the high prices of vintage engines in England.
We may think engine prices have gone through the roof here, but across the Atlantic they’re paying upward of $1 million for prized engines. Suddenly, $100,000 for a new engine doesn’t sound so crazy.
Selfishly, I hope engines never become as valuable here as they have in England, or I’ll never get to own one. But the decision by Great Northern to build a new engine (which, by the way, complies with all European regulations governing its use) represents an interesting opportunity for steam enthusiasts in Europe who might not want the challenge of restoring an old engine. Turn to page 18 to read more about this fascinating new engine and the company that’s building it.
Fortunately, as we all know so well, the drive among U.S. steamers to preserve and show their engines is as strong as ever. The show season is in full swing, and there are fabulous engines rolling out and firing up at shows across the country.
Along with sister publications Farm Collector and Gas Engine Magazine, we’ll be hitting some of those shows, including the National EDGE&TA Show at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, Kan., July 14-15, and the Midwest Old Threshers Reunion at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Aug. 30-Sept. 3.
We hope to see many of you there, and we encourage you to stop by to say hello and share your thoughts on the magazine and the hobby.
Happy steaming!
Richard Backus
U.S.P.S. #012700
Founded in 1946 by Rev. Elmer Ritzman. Published Four Times a Year – January, April, July and October
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Bryan Welch
Bill Uhler
Cherilyn Olmsted
(785) 274-4379
Richard Backus, Editor in Chief
Kay Winford, Assistant Editor
Erin Shipps, Associate Editor
(785) 274-4378
Andrew Perkins,
General Manager/Collectibles Group
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