Antique postcards provide an attractive field for collectors,
and traction engine restorers may find they like the cards too.
Almost anything you can think of was shown on postcards of many
years ago bridges, hospitals, homes, farmers, birds, natural
landmarks and what not.
The number of postcards issued by engine manufacturers, however,
on this subject, we’re seeking more information.
Perhaps you can help. The cards shown here are examples. One of
our favorites is the Case ‘Hill climber’ card. We know from
reading about Case that the company sent a man around to state and
county fairs, and other agricultural events, to demonstrate how the
Case could climb.
This particular card is postmarked 1908 from Mawrglen,
Pennsylvania. You can see a man standing at the top of the incline,
and an engine near him. A sign at right says, ‘Case Engines Are
The Only Hill Climbers’. Notice the long gowns of the
The handwritten message from the sender says in part, ‘This
is a picture of an engine I saw yesterday’ at a fair. The Case
Old Abe symbol is shown also.
The Buffalo Pitts roller shown on another postcard ‘will
haul the road machine from either end’, the card proclaimed.
This was No. 2 in a series of road building pictures issued by the
Buffalo Steam Roller Co., Buffalo, New York. On a trip to Buffalo,
we learned that many inquiries are sent to a museum there, for
information on the company and its products.
On the reverse of this card is the message, ‘In hauling a
road scraper with a Buffalo Pitts Road Roller it is not necessary
to turn the roller around, as it is arranged with draft attachment
at each end.’ The postmark on this is 1910.
If you can add to the store of information for all
IMA readers, please write to IMA
c/o Postcards. Well be happy to hear from you.