Box 94 – Galva, Ill.
The Lions Club at Macomb , Illinois has installed a new 15 inch
train they purchased from Atlantic and Pacific Steam Locomotive Co
at Galva, Illinois. Due to changing their grade, it was a couple of
weeks ago before they got started, however, they are very pleased
with their operation.
The first Sunday that they operated, they hauled 1800 passengers
for fifteen and twenty-five cents apiece. They have been taking in
fifteen to twenty dollars each night. If you get over that way, or
better yet, take a trip over, and a ride. They really have a grade.
It’s on a track that is 1500 feet in length, and the train goes
out of sight down the grade. They can haul only three loaded
coaches on that account. The engine has the power, but not the
traction. The grade is long and steep. If you want to see and hear
a real exhaust on an engine, here is the place
The drollest of the homespun comedians, Herb Shriner, was
expected to pay a visit to Galva next week in hopes of landing an
attraction for his proposed 500-acre family recreation center in
Shriner has had an appointment of four-w e e k s standing with
H. J. McMillan to look over ‘Hank’s’ stock of miniature
railroads. The greatest of the Hoosier hotshots was expected to
make the date next week.
Shriner is known for the droll humor and running
‘folksy’ chatter on radio and television. At one time he
MC’d one of TV’s top quiz shows.
With his career on the airwaves behind him, Shriner has settled
back in his beloved Indiana and is concentrating on the development
of a commercial recreation enterprise that will cover almost a mile
Shriner has not disclosed the site in Indiana and the cost of
his venture, but the hiring of Nat Winecoff as consultant and
coordinator on the project indicates the vastness of Shriner’s
thinking. Winecoff worked with Walt Disney on the planning and
early operation of Disneyland.
Shriner has said that the complex will feature summer and winter
recreation for family groups and will include a convention hall,
hotel and recreation facilities. It will be called ‘Hometown,
U. S. A.’
Shriner has indicated to McMillan that he is interested in
acquiring a miniature railroad for the complex.