Box 6, Byron, Oklahoma
After going to the Wichita Reunion I wished they would put out a
magazine on steamers, etc. In 1953 I met up with the IRON-MEN ALBUM
at the reunion, and believe me it was the answer to a threshermans
prayer. If I would tell you how many times I read each copy you
would brand me as a liar. I appreciate the good work you are doing
Little to say for myself. Run first engine in 1905, own outfit from
1915 to 1924-Reeves & Aultman Taylor engines, Case Minneapolis
and A. T. separators. Have never seen a discussion of the part
hoboes played in the harvesting and threshing of grain on the great
plains. Some old timers should write about this before it is too
I have a model steam stationary engine made by Finkbeiner,
Philadelphia, Pa. 23′ overall, 13/4 bore,
3? ‘ stroke, 12’ flywheel. If any of the brethren know when
these engines were built I would be pleased to hear from them.
I am enclosing a jingle (I won’t take the sacred name of
poetry by calling it a poem) if you can use it you are welcome.
Again thanking you for the pleasure you have brought me through
the ALBUM. Clean water, good coal and clean sailings to all