Secretary, 208 E. Church Street, Urban a, Ohio
Mechanicsburg, Ohio The sun was shining this 26th day of July
when the Miami Valley Steam Threshers opened the gates of their
14th annual show; the weather seemed just right for a week-end of
More than 30 big engines were on the grounds fired up and ready
the job as well as a fine assortment of gas engines.
Our good president, George Edinger, welcomed all the regular
engineers as well as several newcomers. George calls the boys
together every morning for a ‘pep’ talk and plans are
outlined for the day’s work. His project for this year was to
have a hydrostatic test on all boilers for the safety of all
concerned; in this we had 100% cooperation.
We were very happy to have visitors from other steam shows this
year including Mr. Abram E. Johnson, Marion, New York, who is
Director of the New York Steam Engine Association. With him were
Mr. Wilbur Winters and Mr. John Callward of Seneca Falls, New York.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Blaker of the National Threshers Association
also spent a couple of days with us. We also had the officers and
participants from the Darke County Steam Threshers and the Richland
County Steam Threshers Association. We hope they will all return
again next year.
Among the newcomers to out show this year were Mr. 0. W.
Nichols, Pickerington, Ohio, with a 20-24 George White & Son
engine; Mr. Dan Heidi, Sandusky, Ohio, with his 9 HP Case engine;
Mr. Tom Woodard, Belleville, Ohio, with a 24 HP Greyhound engine;
Mr. Harold Klamfoth, New Albany, Ohio with a 50 HP Case Engine; Mr.
Herbert Lenner, Carey, Ohio, with a 10 HP Huber engine; Mr. Leonard
Lambert, New Paris, Ohio, with a 23-90 Baker engine; Mr. Percy
Sherman, Palmyra, Michigan, with a 12 HP Frick engine, and Mr.
Russell Flora, Tipp City, Ohio, with a 20-40 Case tractor.
Our added attraction for Friday evening was a rodeo which proved
quite a success. Our horse show, 15 classes, on Saturday evening
draws entries from quite a large area which proves that our folks
like horses as well as steam engines.
We had showers on Saturday and Sunday during the show but not
enough rain to interfere with threshing; even the straw was all
baled Sunday evening. However, the rain, which was pretty general
over the state, did cut our attendance considerably on Sunday.
The writer had many requests by mail asking for the dates of our
show; am sorry they were not carried throughout the summer months
in our steam magazines. I am assuming this was an oversight because
the dates were mailed early in the year. In this regard, too, quite
a number of people wanted to renew their magazine subscriptions
during the show but I had to advise them no representative was on
the grounds. I hope ye good magazine editors will be present
another year.
We have not yet had our membership meeting for election of
officers for the coming year. As soon as this is done I will mail
you dates and place of our next reunion.