R. D. 4, Elwood, Indiana
The Elwood Historical Club of Elwood, Indiana has grown in a
short time to have a very large show of which the president and
director are justly proud. We think we have the youngest assistant
secretary of any club. She is Mrs. Judy McClish of Elwood,
Judy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Wilburn of
Elwood. Harold is President of the club. The club is justly proud
of Judy Mae as she is on the job every meeting, taking notes,
sending out cards, answering letters and etc. Judy is 21 years old,
has two children, a boy and a girl.
Our club is located on State Road 13 in a 32 acre grove, a very
beautiful place. We have a big machine shed 40 x 64 to house our
machinery in winter, a new drilled well, running water all over the
grounds. The club is now building new modern rest rooms, shower
baths, hot and cold water which should be in use for the 1965
Arthur Lucas, Clermont, Indiana decided to sow about 15
acres of wheat for a threshing show this summer. Because of the
lack of moisture, a mold could not be used. Art located a disc plow
and had it hauled to his shop where he made a few new parts. Also,
after major repairs, he hitched it behind his 60 HP Case Steam
After a few hours of making a few minor changes, he was plowing.
Although the ground was very dry he was plowing 6′ deep or
more. I would say this has been the first time for many years that
a disc plow was used in Indiana pulled by steam power.
Art is a member and director of the Pioneer & Engineers Club
of Indiana, Inc.
He rebuilt and painted the Farquar hand feed separator owned by
the club and a very good job he did on it.