Mother Nature Lets Go

By Fred Nolan
Published on September 1, 1976
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Photo gives an idea on how thoroughly the plow was engulfed by vegetation and trees over the years.
Photo gives an idea on how thoroughly the plow was engulfed by vegetation and trees over the years.
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Photo shows Mr. Jordan and Rick standing beside the plow just after we pulled it out.
Photo shows Mr. Jordan and Rick standing beside the plow just after we pulled it out.
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Photo reveals the plow furrow wheel entwined with three 6'' diameter maple trees.
Photo reveals the plow furrow wheel entwined with three 6'' diameter maple trees.

706 South Birch, Urbana, Illinois 61801

Having been raised on a large central Illinois grain farm, I
have never forgotten the pleasure of turning over the good earth
with the steel moldboard plow. The things that I remember about
plowing were -the gleaming moldboards in the sunlight, the smell of
the freshly turned earth, the sun rising and setting on the

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