Box 146 County House Road, Mt. Royal, New Jersey 08061
Once again for the 27th time, the R.&T. show is over and the
grounds have a quietness. All the crowd and a lot of exhibits have
gone home, but surely not without saying, ‘This was a good
Under the direction of our president, Dan Brubaker, the events
duties. All these ran very smoothly, for having performed these
assignments once, it was easier a second time. For my version of
events this year I will not go through the list of directors for
repeats can become boring, but I will say that all of them must
have done a wonderful job. There are always problems but for some
mystified reason, they always have the habit of becoming
My largest problem came on the first day when a friend that I
had coaxed into bringing the merry-go-round, realized we had no 3
phase power to give him. A request was mad over the P.A. system by
Mr. Eshleman for the loan of a one lunger with a clutch, to replace
the electric motor. No offers were made so I approached the only
man I knew of that I thought could help; R. J. Montgomery. Luckily
he had such an engine, a single Wisconsin clutch and all; but we
would have to go home to his garage in Broomall to fetch it. George
Gaunt supplied the truck and away the three of us went. After
returning, Dave Sickler and his helper Charlie worked until 10 p.m.
changing the belts and pulleys for this different installation.
Again a job well done and I believe that this is the first year
that R.&T. has presented a full size set of galloping
mechanical horses.
Our model section was fairly well stocked again this year and
with all of these small machines in miniature, it is a lot of work
keeping things in order. There are directors assigned to it, but
they still need all the help they can get. One has to have a break
or drive an old tractor through the parade, for most of the time
you are inside and can see very little of what goes on. I am
proposing that our leader buy each of us a pair of roller skates
for the next show; one stipulation though, they must be steam
Yet another addition has been added this year and this is a 3
ft. gauge Shay locomotive and an open passenger car. This was in
operation during the show and I understand that it was quite a job
laying enough temporary track for reunion time. When complete this
track will circle most of the grounds so passengers can enjoy a
long ride and take in the events everywhere. To obtain funds for
ballast, a mythical $1.00 stock certificate was drawn up and it is
surprising how many were sold. To anyone that would still care to
purchase any of these, we have plenty more left. Our secretary
Grace Lichty was responsible for having them printed for I gave her
the sample on Wednesday evening at 9 p.m.; the next morning she
arrived with a whole stack of copies. Quite a Gal is our Grace.
Our little Toot was in excellent shape again this year, thanks
to three young men that do the operating. When they were net in
Toot’s cab they were on the miniature track with Scott’s
2-6-0 or my engine. I took along a brand new 2-6-2 with the idea of
giving it its maiden run, but when the time came that I was free, I
found myself much too tired to be bothered. So, it still has the
drill chips on it and according to my work program, I don’t
know when I will ge the time to blow them off. The little
turbo-generator we put on Toot, did work out well and the headlight
was nicely lit each evening.
There was one person we sadly missed this year and this was our
former electrician and ohmite chaser, Larry Packer. He has retired
and moved to Florida and I trust, found sort of a steam club there.
During the show it was suggested that I take a show poster around
and get all the folks that knew Larry to sign it. This will be
mailed to him along with a committee ribbon and an exhibitor’s
Sitting outside the main building was Larry’s 10 ton
Buffalo-Springfield roller. This he has donated to R.&T. and
John Henry and myself have taken on the project of painting it up.
She is No. 4753, manufactured in July 1920 and is of the three
wheel type.
Another Buffalo-Springfield roller at the show and in steam
(after much injector trouble), was an 8 ton tandem restored by
George Gaunt and myself. The boiler has all new tubes and steams
very well, and we are indebted to Noah Getz of Calliope fame, for
his efforts in helping us correct this injector problem. All those
old pipes are being replaced, Noah, and a strainer also is being
added. Appreciation also goes to Bob Hartzell for his efforts in
this matter.
Our roster of steam engines was quite large, and I did not get a
listing of the exhibitors, but for another year, if I am to
continue this reporting, I must make further efforts in this
direction. There was a nice little Nichols & Sheppard, a
freshly painted Huber, and a ‘Kitten’.
As for Spick and Span engines this year, I think Clarence Wile
with his next to last Peerless, deserved credit. I know that one
morning he really worked the cleaning rag, for he was due to be
photographed threshing. I think that this was cancelled though for
Friday’s weather was dull and we did have a short rain
Mr. Derr had his engine also well cleaned and Marty Weaver
looked as if he too had been to work on his Frick’s. What a job
it is trying to keep a steam engine or a tractor somewhat clean at
a reunion. You cannot help but spill water either at the water tank
or the spigot, and some even from injectors: eh Noah! Next thing
you know, your wheels slop through a puddle of mud and there’s
an hour of cleaning time down the drain where the water should have
gone. I guess this wasted effort has to be chalked up to
‘accumulated pleasure expense.’
We were all sorry to know that Mrs. Mathews broke her leg
getting out of the camper. She is usually everywhere during our
show and was seen on Friday in a wheel chair with a flag flying
from the cast. George was, of course, doing the pushing.
Also in the Medical field, the Gordonville Ambulance crew got in
a lot of practice treating bee stings. I think these insects were
‘Threshing Bee’s’ for Frank V. got his stings from
be’s in the boiler of the Avery.
In my last year’s report I mentioned many people, but I
sadly missed one man who is on hand practically all year long, and
that is Johnny Railing. He is always ready with his old Case to do
a bit of heavy hauling or take a turn on the belt. I saw him one
day belted to the sawmill sawing ties for the Shay railroad, and,
to my surprise, I saw Al Kutzner checking up on the saw dust
Mr. Hadley from Maryland was there again with his oxen team, and
here is quite a complex of beef if I ever saw it. I am told that in
difficult situations they can outpull a horse, for in mud where a
horse would flounder, these animals can still apply their energy.
To me, those long horns looked rather frightening, but upon
approaching them and rubbing their noses, I found I had another to
fear. They were like Elmer Lapp’s beautiful Belgians,
completely a man’s friend!
Out the back of the tractor pull course within a long tractor
line, were some excellent examples of restoration. This must have
brought back memories to some of the old farmers, who, upon seeing
them must have said, ‘I can remember the day I bought one of
those brand new’. These old mechanical marvels are also
becoming scarce and certainly deserve a step on the stairway of