My Very Own Engine

By Rory Esch
Published on September 1, 1996
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80 HP Case owned by Rory and Marcia Esch.
80 HP Case owned by Rory and Marcia Esch.
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80 HP Case with the proud owners, Rory and Marcia Esch.
80 HP Case with the proud owners, Rory and Marcia Esch.
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My 80 horse Case at Fred Reckelberg's just coining off the sawmill.
My 80 horse Case at Fred Reckelberg's just coining off the sawmill.

7050A S. 27th Street Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154

I guess you could say I’m just a youngster when it comes to
steam engines and old farm machinery. Actually, I have been
involved with this stuff for almost all of my twenty-six years of
existence. My grandfather, Carl Bruss, was a big influence for me
in the hobby. He had quite an extensive collection of gas engines,

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