4375 W. Oregon Road Lapeer, Michigan 48446
On August 4, 1973 the annual day for thrashing and sawmilling
was held on the Robert Nelson Farm, 5 miles west of Lapeer,
The weather was just right, Just a sunny warm summer day.
To back up a bit, the Nelsons and there are 3 of them,
subjects, purchased a Red River Special Thrasher, Port Huron-19
h.p. Steam Traction Engine and a 8 ft. Cut Grain Binder, equipped
for power take-off.
The Grandson who is just 12 years old completely rebuilt and
painted the grain binder while Grandpa and Dad, along with help of
many neighbors and friends put the separator and engine up into
working order.
The binder did a good job of cutting and binding wheat. 12 year
old Bob drove the tractor and his Dad operated the binder. Neither
of these people had done any grain binding before. It was a great
experience for them.
After the wheat bundles stood in the stocks until dry, they were
loaded on wagons and stored inside because the weather in Michigan
has not been to dependable for thrashing on a ‘certain day’
out of the field.
The events of the day went off as planned. The Lapeer County
Sherriff’s posse did a fine job directing traffic and parking
cars. The Lapeer County Historical Society also did a fine job in
the handling of the registrations.
Power for thrashing and the sawmill was furnished by
Nelson’s Port Huron Engine, Nelson Scotts Port Huron Engine and
by Mr. Scott’s Baker Tractor. Leon Knight’s 28-50 Hart Parr
Tractor had its turn on the thrasher too. Mr. Scott also exhibited
an 8-16 International Tractor and an 18-30 Oil Pull tractor. Peter
Pierson had his early Model John Deere Tractor on exhibit.
Mark MCarty had his 1/2 size steam engine in the show too.
Mark’s engine tried and did a pretty good job on his
‘Baker’ Fan.
Harold Running did a fine job of showing his 1/4 scale steam
engine. It is a free lance engine that was built by him.
Several people brought gasoline engines, antique automobiles and
tools that were used by their forefathers.
The sawing of lumber seemed to fascinate the younger people.
They could see the big saw sawing its way through the log and after
edging, a square board would be made from a round log, while with
the grain separator, the bundles disappeared in the feeder, the
straw came out the blower and the grain in the wagon. With this
operation they just had to imagine what happened inside the
Horace and Kenyon Davis displayed their drag saw. Bud Robinson
was the ‘official’ separator man, and all around handy man.
He helped line up the several tractors to the thrasher and also had
his turn at firing and operating our Port Huron Engine. Bud also
brought his gas engine and old time Burr Feed Grinder along.
Bill Leach and Pete Pierson were busy fellows too. Pete was the
engineer on Nelson Scott’s Engine, while Bill helped me with my
engine while I operated the sawmill.
Ronald Mayer and Charles Setter had their teams and wagons on
display. The ‘small fry’ really enjoyed riding in the
A chicken dinner was enjoyed by the ‘Help’. Many thanks
to all that made this show possible. The Good Lord willing, we will
have another Thrashing Day August 3, 1974.