Overall attendance this year was slightly down from that of
1964. The first two days were up but not enough to compensate for
the drop on Sunday -normally our top day. Sunday was the hottest
day of the year. Reports coming in indicated several other events
in the area suffered in attendance drop-off since people just
refused to leave their homes! Speaking of the intense heat – the
clothes with shirts buttoned and ‘kerchiefs tight around their
necks. While they were laboring – people from the city were
fainting and requiring medical aid from the ambulance group
Highlights: The new Headquarters’ building proved
quite adequate. The new ‘walkie-talkies’ made it possible
to keep fairly good control of most activities. Only causalities in
this area were a broken antenna and a burnt-out loudspeaker. The
big model tent attracted the usual large crowd and Clarence
Stilson, Chairman, reports the model owners were quite satisfied
with compressed air instead of steam to power their equipment.
There were many more models this year including a beautiful scale
model steam locomotive running on 50 feet of track brought in by
Mr. Elwood. Our model exhibit is now one of the largest in the
The food (and prices) were a vast improvement over last year and
those of you who didn’t take advantage of this should do so
next year. Ken McCormack’s Barbecue Pit proved a welcome
attraction. The Association’s two new pieces of equipment drew
many favorable comments – the big Corliss engine and Mr.
Denman’s steam ‘mobile’. An unusual piece of equipment
to make its appearance for the first time was Bob Potter’s 1880
Steam Fire Engine which he brought in from Cicero, N.Y. It is
believed to be the only individually owned one in the state. The
big event of each day was the ‘parade’. Out in front was
our steam queen – Miss Judy Elle, a Syracuse University Sophomore
from East Bloomfield, riding in Carroll Burdick’s 1909 Ford. A
new engine in the parade this year was Mr. Brandt’s return flue
Huber which he brought up from Pennsylvania. Special credit should
be given to Bob Caves, Gas Engine Chairman, for the excellent job
in lining up and identifying the large number of gas tractors. An
unusual event occurred Sunday when an unannounced visitor
volunteered to play the calliope – Commander E. J. Quimby of the
famous ‘DELTA QUEEN’ -the last remaining Steam Packet to
ply the Mississippi River with a live steam calliope!
One cannot go into detail about the many pieces of equipment and
the various events making up the show. Suffice to say, there was
excellent cooperation among all members participating and their
hard work makes the ‘1965 PAGEANT OF
STEAM’ one to remember. Bruce Kelley,