Pres, N.Y. Steam Engine Assn., Inc., Rochester, 11, New York
A throng of 15,000 visited Honeoye Falls during the New York
Steam Engine Association’s colorful ‘First Pageant of
Steam’ four-day reunion. The theme of the reunion was concerned
with the role the steam engine played in the progress of America
during the past century in threshing, lumber sawing, shingle
was enjoyed by all, which included old gas tractors, gas engines, a
drag saw; and the free museum was an added attraction. On Sunday of
the reunion, a parade totaling 28 antique automobiles was held.
This parade was such an attraction that many of the stores depleted
their stock of film due to the picture takers.
Miscellaneous: The engine in the background is a Waterloo built
in Canada, owned by Kenneth MacCormack of Jordan, New York. The boy
on the engine is Stephen Knoblock. The model in front is a
The Pageant started on a Thursday morning with the flag-raising
by the oldest charter member, Mr. Fred Wolfsberger (90 years old),
and the youngest charter member, Mr. Alan Jacobson (10 years old);
invocation by the Reverend Roy Gamble. Music for the affair was
played on a Waterloo organ (1895) accompanied by old time fiddlers.
Miss Caris Milne of Mendon, New York was crowned Miss Steam Engine.
On Saturday of the Pageant, a visit was made by the New York State
Fair Queen. Both young ladies posed for pictures and enjoyed rides
in the antique cars.