Box 94 Galva, Illinois 61434
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Tenney of 46425 Kozma Road Belleville Mich.
have just purchased a new 16 inch gauge train from A and P. Loco
works at Galva, Illinois. Mr. Tenney expects to get his track laid
this fall. He already has a building built to house the train, and
has a beautiful woods and meadow to go through with his railroad.
Mr. Nile Saunders of Pashastin, Wash. has recently acquired a 4
6 0 10 Inc. gauge train from McMillan at Galva, Illinois. Mr.
Saunders has one of the largest orchards in the orchard area of
Washington. He also has a 12 inch train, and is going to lay the
extra rail and run both of them on the same track. Mr. Saunders
father was a Railroad Engr. in the far west, so Mr. Saunders is
well acquainted with steam.
Mr. Ben W. Colburn recently acquired a 161/2 inch Gauge Steam
train from McMillan at Galva, Ill. Mr. Colburn has one of the
largest collections of carriages in the world at his ranch at
Tulare, Calif. He has a vast outlay of buildings, chuck full of
antiques and carriages. He intends installing the railroad to add
to the theme of by-gone days. Mr. Colburn is the Oldest Airplane
tire dealer in the country having started more than 30 years
Mr. Fred Pennington of Mechanics-burg, Pa. recently acquired a
beautiful Ottoway eng. tender and four coaches from McMillan at
Galva, Illinois which he intends to completely rehabilitate this
winter and install at his estate near Mechanicsburg this next
Spring. Knowing Mr. Pennington, I am sure when he gets done with
this, it will look like the day it came out of the factory, only